Friday, February 18, 2011


G and J are buddies. They hang out sometimes. They also have some pretty serious conversations. This is what I heard one afternoon:

G: So, I've been thinking a lot about what you told me the other day. Explain the symptoms again. 

J: Well, it's a lot like indegestion. 
G: I see, I see...

G: Here, let me take your pulse to make sure it's not affecting your blood pressure.
J: Do you really think it could be that serious? I'm a little nervous now.

J: Well, what do you think?
G: No idea. I'm totally stumped. Sorry dude.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the fun date game!! We have been married just over five years as well. :)
    The jeans I'm wearing in that first picture are Seven for All Mankind, and I think the style is Ginger. They are VERY comfortable, and even though they are a bit pricey (I actually got a buy one, get one free deal at a local boutique!!), they will last forever and are such good quality.
